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My favourite movie

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My favourite movie Empty My favourite movie

Message par SN Janna Van Boeckxsel Jeu 19 Nov - 21:06

Hello everyone, my name is Janna Van Boeckxsel and my favourite movie is Abduction. It's an action movie/thriller. It's about a boy who knows nothing about his past. He has some pictures but that's it. One day he has a school project with Karen, it's a project about missing children. While they were searching for information for their project they found Nathan's name on a site of missing children. They found more information about his past and it seems that his parents aren't the people who they said they are. It was harder then he tought but Nathan wants to know the truth. It's very difficult because the CIA is involved. This movie is worth to watch it.
So that’s it. Goodbye!
SN Janna Van Boeckxsel
SN Janna Van Boeckxsel

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2015

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